Fra ’Giulio Cesareo leaves Rome on 1 July to become the communications manager of the Sacred Convent of Assisi
After four years, Fra 'Giulio Cesareo...
The first edition of the Verona Journalism Festival, organized by the Heraldo newspaper and the Canoa Club cultural association, was presented at the Antica...
Of pro-European inspiration. At the helm Giacalone and Giuliani
On 2 June, on the occasion of the Republic Day, a new editorial initiative on newsstands...
The video and multimedia production of the Italpress press agency directed by Gaspare Borsellino is enriched. After the launch, last October, of the thematic...
The sports journalist was already vice president of the same foundation
Matteo Marani has been appointed President of the Football Museum Foundation. The journalist, who...
Macelloni (Inpgi): "They ask to cut pensions to finance crisis states, we also need a broad discussion on development"
"The INPGI is suffering from a...
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