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Friday, 18 October 2024

Inpgi asks the Government for a control room

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Macelloni (Inpgi): “They ask to cut pensions to finance crisis states, we also need a broad discussion on development”

“The INPGI is suffering from a great crisis. The Ministry of Labor, on the one hand, asks us to cut the cost of services, on the other hand it signs the states of crisis. In practice, pensions are being cut to finance crisis states. In recent years we have paid 500 million in social safety nets. But we cannot think of resolving the crisis by saving on labor costs. In this way, the category is made to pay the bill for the crisis twice, losing their job and with a reduced pension ”. This is what was declared by the President of INPGI, Marina Macelloni, during the event of the world of information organized by FNSI in Montecitorio on 20 May 2021.

“We are not the ones responsible for this crisis, we are the victims. The INPGI Board of Directors is ready to make new sacrifices, but they must be accompanied by a path that brings new resources to the Institute, otherwise they are just the scalp of a category that wants to fold “.

“We ask the Government and the Prime Minister for a broad discussion, a control room at Palazzo Chigi where to face the crisis in its entirety, not in pieces. A serious discussion table where we are not just talking about cuts but about growth, development, investments, work “.

“Attention and closeness to the sector” was expressed by Undersecretary of Information and Publishing Giuseppe Moles who intervened explaining “how essential it is to protect the INPGI, which is being worked on with hypotheses”. Moles then urged everyone to “support” the work of the Minister of Labor Andrea Orlando. “I will start a fair compensation table as soon as possible, which I will preside over trying to tackle the issue of temporary workers as well as possible. The priority is always the protection of employment levels “.

“We ask that the 238 billion euro plan be recognized as a central role for information and those who provide information” declares Raffaele Lorusso, FNSI secretary who adds “we need to tackle the problem of the labor market, because precarising the work of the journalist only means putting I jeopardize the stability of the INPGI “.

The FNSI President, Beppe Giulietti asks Draghi to convene all the bodies of the profession and explains: “we will not fall into the trap of those who think that the only solution is to commission a social security institution wanted by the constituent fathers as an autonomous body after the season of fascism , to secure reporters. The conflict will be on the commissioning of Article 21 of the Constitution, which means commissioning public opinion that will be progressively obscured “.

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