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Sunday, 9 March 2025

Inpgi, Marina Macelloni reconfirmed as president. Vice-presidents Giuseppe Gulletta and Fabrizio Carotti

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Marina Macelloni has been reconfirmed as president of the Inpgi for the four-year period 2020-2024. It obtained 11 votes out of 14 voters by the Board of Directors of the National Insurance Institute for Italian Journalists, which met on Wednesday 8 July at the registered office in via Nizza, Rome.

Macelloni, 58, from Milan, editor-in-chief of the business newspaper Il Sole 24 ore, thanked the Board of Directors for their trust and wished to recall the great challenge that the Inpgi will have to face in the coming months, that of the expansion of the contribution base. . “I have always thought – he said – that the Inpgi should continue to be a pillar of our professional life and a point of reference for all colleagues. I will do everything possible to make this happen and I am sure I can count on everyone’s collaboration ».

Giuseppe Gulletta, 73, a retired journalist, was reconfirmed vicar vice president of the Institute for the four-year period 2020-2024, having received 11 votes out of the 14 voters.

Fabrizio Carotti was simultaneously unanimously elected vice president representing the Italian Federation of Newspaper Publishers (Fieg) with 14 votes. General manager of Fieg, 56, Carotti returns to the position already assumed in the last four years.

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