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Sunday, 9 March 2025

Ruben Razzante receives the 2020 Maglio Lifetime Achievement Award

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Ruben Razzante, born in Taranto, professional journalist since 1998, university professor at the Cattolica in Milan and at Lumsa in Rome, as well as author of important monographs and manuals on information law, will be awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award in the frame of the 9th edition of Mallet Award. Razzante in recent years has made a decisive contribution in the battle against fake news and for the defense of the quality of information, holding various institutional positions and publishing numerous enlightening publications on the subject. He is a nationally and European recognized expert on issues related to the invasion of the internet in the world of communication and information. In April of this year, by decree of the Undersecretary for Publishing, Andrea Martella, he was appointed free expert member of the “Monitoring Unit to combat the spread of fake news related to Covid-19 on the web and on social network “. He is the founder and president of the Scientific Committee of the www.dirittodellinformazione.it portal, one of the main references for scholars of the legal and socio-cultural aspects related to the expansion of the Network.

“The pandemic – comments Professor Ruben Razzante – has made the role of professional information even more decisive. Journalists are called to a supplement of verification of news concerning health, the primary good of citizens. I am grateful to the promoters of the Premio Maglio for having awarded me this recognition. I hope to be able to contribute even more effectively, in the coming years, to the defense of the originality of journalistic work and the quality of information, both as a columnist and as a scholar and teacher of information law. There is much to be done on a legal, ethical, technological and cultural level to enhance the guarantees of information democracy, always threatened by the intrusiveness of other powers that undermine the autonomy and independence of the publishing world “.

The 2020 Maglio Prize was won by Francesco Strippoli, head of the “Corriere del Mezzogiorno”, edition of Puglia, the newspaper he has worked on since the foundation (in December 2000).

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